CBD patches are gaining popularity as an alternative way to reap the benefits of this supplement. For many, using patches is a way to get a prolonged dosage of the treatment, while also being discreet.
For the curious, these patches will not get a person high but could reduce pain, among other benefits. This is because CBD is the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant, as opposed to THC, which produces mind-altering effects.
THC and CBD are major compounds of over 100 cannabidiols in the cannabis plant. These compounds react with the endocannabinoid pathway system in our bodies. THC is received by CB1 cells, which affect our sense of time, memory, and other cognitive functions.
Our peripheral system, including nerve, muscle, and skin cells, contain CB2 reactors, which are more sensitive to CBD. That is why CBD is effective in helping with arthritis, pain management, anxiety, sleep, and skin issues.
Most CBD on the market today is from the hemp, and not the marijuana plant. This is because CBD from the hemp plant is legal within the U.S., under the 2018 Farm Bill. The THC content of CBD covered this act has to be 0.3% or lower, for it to remain legal.
CBD is extracted from the leaves, flowers and plant matter of the hemp plant and infused into oils such as hemp seed, jojoba, olive, flaxseed and coconut oils. In the case of a patch, a certain ratio of CBD is in the delivery system, to be administered acutely, or over a while.
Below is a list of the top things to know about CBD Patches:
1. Types of CBD Patches
CBD patches are delivered transdermally, meaning through the layers of the skin. It is similar to a pain patch, where the benefits include the treatment being delivered subcutaneously over a specified period. A CBD transdermal patch comes in two formats, reservoir, and matrix-style patches, and each delivers the supplement to your body slightly differently.
Transdermal patches come in several layers, including a liner and backing, the drug, and other sections to protect the drug and increase its ability to enter the body. A matrix patch has CBD embedded in its adhesive and is usually slim in design because the supplement is delivered directly to the skin through a thin film. A reservoir patch is usually thicker, and that is because there is a suspension of CBD in the patch which, when applied, gets released over time.
2. Pain Management
CBD has shown to alleviate pain related to numerous ailments, including arthritis, spinal cord injury, Multiple Sclerosis, cancer, chemotherapy, muscle spasms, and depression.
The most common use of the CBD patch is to manage acute pain, although it can also be used for chronic pain. Here the patch is applied to the site of pain, and the supplement is delivered immediately, or over a specified time. Some CBD patches are made to last for up to 3 days, usually using nanotechnology in a reservoir patch.
A research review of CBD delivery mechanisms noted anecdotal evidence of the efficacy of the treatment being delivered transdermally. In these studies, patients reported that the CBD treatment helped, with little to no side effects.
3. Arthritis
Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in the U.S., according to the Arthritis Foundation. More than 54 million adults are estimated to have doctor-diagnosed arthritis, and it is more common in women than men.
Osteoarthritis, a disorder that causes inflammation in the joints, affects about 31 million people in the U.S.
A clinical study on mice with arthritis was conducted to test to see if transdermal doses of CBD was effective at reducing arthritis pain and other symptoms.
The study stated that transdermal CBD reduced joint swelling, limb posture related to spontaneous pain, immune cell infiltration, and other indicators of arthritis’s influence in the body.
According to CBD Kryo, most people taking CBD for pain said it worked “very well by itself.” Also, CBD has proven to be useful to alleviate pain in arthritis patients because of lessened pro-inflammatory biomarkers.
4. Benefits
It has taken a while for transdermal patches of any kind to gain acceptance into mainstream use. Most opponents were concerned that CBD in this form may not penetrate the fatty layers beneath the skin to be effective, except for in high doses.
But with the use of this delivery mechanism in other applications such as for over-the-counter pain, as well as in nicotine patches, research is proving that CBD can be delivered this way acutely. A huge benefit is that CBD in a patch enters the circulatory and peripheral system directly, as opposed to being consumed by mouth and having to be digested, and then processed by the liver before feeling its effects.
Other benefits of consuming CBD through a patch include the sustained release of the supplement over time, managing the treatment levels according to dosage times, and using the amount needed once the pain is reduced.
5. Disadvantages
CBD is generally considered safe, but according to Cool Things Chicago, there have been a few reported side effects which include: fatigue, nausea, irritability, changes in appetite, tiredness, and diarrhea.
When using a patch pay attention to the dosage. If unsure about what works, many CBD medical practitioners can offer guidance about what you need for pain or arthritis CBD patch treatments.
There are other considerations to note when using transdermal patches including skin irritation from adhesives may occur, and limits to the level of the CBD that’s being delivered is sometimes relative to the size of the patch.
6. How to use a CBD patch
Because of its topical advantage, CBD patches may be applied wherever it is needed on the body. Most people use transdermal CBD for pain, and unlike CBD in other forms, these products usually list the amount of CBD being delivered. Even gyms are taking notice, and some are offering intense workout classes that use CBD patches to help with muscle soreness.
Here are some CBD patch application tips:
- Clean the topical area with soap and water, or an alcohol swab, to ensure the adhesive sticks to skin that is free of oils and debris.
- Apply the patch firmly, smoothing onto skin; sometimes it takes up to 30 seconds for this to happen.
- Research adhesive ingredients to ensure it won’t irritate your skin, especially if you do not tolerate certain ingredients.
- Don’t wear CBD patches with other medical patches or during other medical procedures, to avoid any cross-chemical interference.
- Only use one patch at a time. Many products can even be divided to adjust dosages.
- Dispose of patches properly by folding in half, especially if you have children and curious pets.