There is little point in us talking about the many dangers of cigarettes and that is because unless you have been living under a rock, we all know about them. In spite of this however those cigs are just so hard to quit and this is coming from someone who knows all about that. There is however a very simple solution to those who wish to quite cigarettes and that is nicotine vape juice. To those of you who aren’t aware, this is a cartridge of nicotine induced liquid which you smoke through a vaporizer. Once you have inhaled this water vapor which features nicotine you then blow the smoke back out again. This is the perfect substitute for nicotine and here is exactly why you should be looking at vaping as a realistic alternative to cigarettes.
Less Toxic
As mentioned in the title there is a real toxicity about cigarettes that must be avoided and this is the ideal way for you to do just that. Ultimately a cigarette features so many harmful and noxious chemicals and every time that you inhale from them those go into your body. The vape juice however only features nicotine, which on its own is pretty harmless, and that is why his form of ingestion is so much better than if you were to have a puff on a cigarette.
Same Practice
As anyone who has tried to use patches to quit will know, it is not just the nicotine replacement that we need, but also the habit of smoking. This is not just placing the hand to the mouth but also about heading out when others do for a cigarette. This again is where the vape comes in because through its use you can still continue with these habits. You can still go out for a smoke with everyone and you can still follow the habit and the action that you always have done.
No Smell, Flavored Taste
Another great benefit for both you and those around you is that when you vape this liquid it leaves no smell, something which so many complain about with cigarettes. When it comes to ingesting the vape, you will also find that there is a wide array of flavors that you can choose from here, which will mean that you can add a little something extra to your vaping experience.
And finally we should mention the great cost advantage of using this juice and a vape over cigarettes. Ultimately there is no comparison here, a deck of cigarettes may take you 2 days to smoke, and for the same investment that you make into the vape juice it will last you ten times as long, if not longer. This is why when it comes to cost there really is no comparison and you will be able to save an enormous amount when you switch from cigarettes to vaping.
Why not make the change today and see how you get on?