What Is B-Corp Certification and Why Is It Important?

Before we delve into the world of B Corp certification, it’s essential to ask yourself why this has become such a crucial piece of paper for businesses around the UK to be able to hang on their walls.

Businesses must undergo thorough evaluations to demonstrate that they are not simply talking when it comes to social and environmental impact but also acting on it. Using sustainable energy providers, recycling, and ethical resource sourcing are the basic steps a business needs to take to qualify for the B-corp certification.

Businesses that are having a positive impact on the world can proudly display this certification. It shows that it takes social and environmental responsibility, which is not only something to be proud of but something potential customers and investors are looking for.

B-Corp Certification Explained

Getting this qualification isn’t always simple. Companies looking to get certified as B-Corps need to show more than just words; they need to show specific actions they have made to reduce their environmental and social impact. What matters most when obtaining this certification is what you’ve done, not what you claim you will do.

Consider it a strict evaluation process in which companies must prove they are implementing change rather than just discussing it. It’s a great method for demonstrating that your company can successfully balance promise and profit.

Pillars of B-Corp Impact Assessment

The impact assessment evaluates a business using three core pillars: social impact, environmental responsibility and financial performance. To obtain this certification, the first step is to understand these three pillars and assess your business to check if you abide by them.

  • Social Impact: This pillar emphasises how businesses support efforts for inclusion, diversity, employee well-being, and community development.
  • Environmental Responsibility: The B-Corp certification process assesses a company’s environmental practices to ensure you positively impact the planet. The practices that will be assessed include waste reduction, carbon footprint management, and sustainability initiatives.
  • Financial Performance: Although social and environmental effects are taken very seriously, a business still needs to make a profit, so for this reason, it also considers financial viability. It guarantees that companies maintain their profitability as they work towards their objectives.

How To Achieve B Corp Certification

To achieve this certification, your business must tick a few boxes. That means you need to score at least 80 out of 200 for the previously mentioned pillars.

On top of that, expect to pay £250 + VAT for the certification process and annual fees.

This entire process can take anything between six and ten months.

The Importance of B-Corp Certification

This certification has many benefits for your business and the planet, so there is no reason not to prioritise getting certified. If you need more convincing that this is worth investing in, let’s look at the advantages.

For your business

  1. Improved Reputation: Being a certified B-Corp can help you gain more recognition, attracting investors and customers to your business. Thanks to the accreditation, customers will feel more confident knowing your company is environmentally and socially conscious.
  2. Competitive Advantage: This certification will help your company stand out from the competition and gain the loyalty and confidence of your clientele.
  3. Enhanced Performance: Obtaining a certification is a worthwhile endeavour. Achieving long-term sustainability and growth requires your company to go through a rigorous assessment process that motivates you to enhance your social and environmental practices.

For the planet

  • Environmental Stewardship: Certified B-Corps actively promote environmental sustainability by reducing their carbon footprint and promoting ethical behaviour across industries.
  • Social Advancement: B-Corp recognised companies prioritise social effect, which supports diversity and community building while addressing societal concerns, including poverty and inequality.

Final Thoughts

It is a massive achievement to be a sustainable company with social and environmental advantages and still make a profit. Let’s face it: doing the right thing isn’t always enough motivation, especially in business. However, if having a positive impact on the planet will also benefit the company’s pocket by attracting more customers and investors, it’s well worth it.