Steps to Move a Server

Virtually every how-to can be researched online; however, there are certain tasks that are much riskier and more costly to handle on your own. By now, we’ve all had to move a home computer from one room to another, and that can be tedious when there are multiple wires and hardware devices involved. Imagine moving a business server and the complexities of the disconnecting and reconnecting the components in the correct sequence. This is a chore best left to a server moving company.

Relocating from one office space to another is a big undertaking, but when servers are involved, literally all the company’s data hangs in the balance. Data is often the most valuable asset a business owns, and risking loss can cause irreparable damage to the company, resulting in customer loss, financial loss and lawsuits. In this situation, the risk always outweighs the savings of attempting to handle the relocation of your own equipment.

The Professional Evaluation

When you call in an experienced server moving company, they will evaluate your equipment, your needs at your new location and whether you may need to upgrade or replace equipment.

Often, when a company relocates, they are doing so to accommodate growth. If your existing system is operating at maximum capacity, they may recommend you make the decision to update your system at this time. Transitioning to modular servers might also be recommended if you are anticipating future growth. This offers a more flexible and scalable solution for your business.

The Moving Process

  1. Before the moving date, they may send a project manager to take an inventory of your equipment including servers, cabling, hardware, etc. All IT equipment will be itemized so when it comes time to pack, they will know what packing supplies are required, how to label the boxes and which items are getting replaced.
  2. They will provide you with a schedule indicating the days and times for packing and moving which will aim to cause the least amount of disruption possible to your staff and other businesses at the premises.
  3. The new location plan will be evaluated to determine if the necessary wiring, cabling and networks are available. Anything that must be done to provide service to the server at the new location will be done ahead of time so installation can be done right away once the equipment arrives. They may arrange installation of the proper network service and install cabling in the walls and/or ceilings to deliver service to every workstation.
  4. Prior to moving any equipment, all data will be backed up to ensure nothing is lost in the move. The team will disassemble the equipment and label everything for the most efficient reassembly onsite.
  5. When equipment gets installed at the new location, your moving team will test everything to make sure it works properly and order any items required to complete the job.
  6. If you have an IT person, he or she will review the equipment and maintenance procedures. If you do not have someone on staff, you can hire an outside consultant to regularly monitor your system.

Be sure to ask for credentials and work with a company that has a long history of good reviews.