Would you like to improve your writing, perhaps you’d like to be an author one day, a great blogger or simply someone who is able to tell a better story? If so then we have some great tips on how to slowly but surely improve your writing. We are basing these tips off the back of a conversation which we had recently with the brilliant TV and legal writer Roger Wolfson, a leader in his field and someone who has dedicated his life to the craft. Roger spoke to us at length about what tools he has used to improve his writing and ways in which he has altered his styles throughout the years.
If you want to get better, here are some tips on doing just that
There are a number of different styles and voices which you can apply to writing and in testing different varieties out you can really learn to enhance your overall writing ability. Trying out different voices may be challenging at first, which is why practicing a lot makes sense. Try to write out a newspaper report, a personal letter and a story, these will naturally yield 3 different voices. Once you have done this try and write from the perspective of different friends and family members, which will help you to speak in a different voice.
Dictionary Challenge
Something which all writers, be they professional or otherwise, must have in their arsenal is a rich vocabulary and to that end you could do very well in studying. Think about it as if you were learning a new language, and aim to learn 10 new words per day. This is something which is going to significantly boost your ability to tell a story, to keep your written work interesting and to broaden your grasp of language. Pick 10 words per day that you don’t know and at the end of the week try and get all of those words into a piece of writing.
Planning and Editing
The one aspect of writing which lets so many people down is that they fail to properly prepare for a piece of writing, which is one of the most important stages. Naturally everyone just wants to get on with it but without proper structure the quality of eh writing will be significantly diminished. Before even putting pen to paper you should have a clear plan as to what you will be writing about, how you will structure it and where the story or the piece will begin and end.
Planning is one stage which is important but so too is editing, it can be frustrating to read back over everything but this is a very important stage which is going to ensure that you have not made any mistakes, and that you have made the piece the best that it can be. Editing will always help to improve the piece.