The Environmental Benefits of Switching to Solar Energy

As a homeowner, you probably search for ways to reduce your bills every month. You may have even started investigating solar power and how it can reduce your energy bills. However, do you know about all the environmental benefits of renewable energy production, such as solar power systems? This is what you should know.  

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions

Solar panels do not produce emissions, greenhouse gasses or other types of air pollution. Therefore, you can expect decreased air pollution and increased air quality in areas where solar adoption is high. In addition, these areas do not need as many power plants to produce energy for the residents and businesses. This reduces the release of nitrogen oxide, mercury, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide from fuels like natural gas, oil and coal.

Home Temperature Moderation

When you install solar panels on your roof, your home should remain cooler, reducing the need to run your air conditioner in the summer months. These panels reflect the sun and thus its heat. This keeps your home and the air around your panels cool, which increases their efficiency.

Water use Reduction

Pursuing traditional energy sources, such as fossil fuels, requires significant water resources. However, solar panel installation and use uses little water. After they get installed on your home, they need no water. You may use water to wash them off periodically because dirt and other debris can impact their efficiency, but the panels themselves do not require this resource. Even their maintenance requires significantly less water than other energy production systems.

Oil Spill Risk Reduction

As solar power becomes more popular, especially with homeowners like you, utility companies can rely less on oil and other fossil fuels. This reduction in need reduces the risk of oil spills that can harm sea life as they damage beaches, coasts and oceans. Fossil fuel transportation is also reduced, so rural homeowners don’t have to receive fuel deliveries, such as propane deliveries.

Promotion of Sustainable Energy Practices

As solar energy adoption increases, so does competition. This encourages innovation and technological advancements that create more efficient systems. In addition to reducing dependency on fossil fuels, these increased efficiencies encourage expanded adoption. Also, as the public learns more about their environmental impacts, sustainability and energy production, they promote solar energy.


Florida is an ideal state for solar power. Not only can you receive your energy efficiently due to the high number of days with direct, intense sunshine, but you may have access to financial help. You can get financing with reduced interest, fixed rates, no credit checks and other positive terms. You can also reduce or eliminate your property taxes based on the system you choose. You don’t have to pay sales tax on your system components and possibly not on your installation. In addition, you may receive rebates and grants to help you pay for your system.

Contact a reputable company for your solar panel installation, but do your due diligence and consider the benefits and financial obligations of your system.